Support disabled artists and businesses and flaunt your disability pride!

July is Disability Pride month, and I’m personally so excited to celebrate. It took me years to really accept my disability and now being able to celebrate it is mind blowing. In the best way possible.
Since becoming a coach, I have made it my life’s mission to help others to find pride in being disabled and break free from labels and toxic stigmas that they had believe come with it.
This year, I'm stoked to help my clients and others in the community not only feel pride, but flaunt it!

Support Disabled Artists and Businesses
I collaborated with Annie Grace, a former client and disabled artist, to create these T-shirts. These are the perfect way to show your support for the community whether as a whole, for your disabled friend or family member, or to show the world that you’re proud to be disabled.
Disability Pride
We wanted to make this as inclusive to the disabled community as possible, so we included the phrase “Disability Pride” in English, ASL, and Braille.
This shirt includes the colors of the disability pride flag colors. Each color representing a different aspect of disability.
Disability looks like you and me!
This shirt is a beautiful depiction of how diverse the disabled community is! It also sports the colors of the disability pride flag, with each color representing a different aspect of disability.

Buy a T-shirt (or 2 or 3) and wear it this month if you'd like to support:
My work in the disabled space
Annie Grace, a disabled artist in her career
The disabled community as a whole