Disabled people enrich the workplace.
So often we hear about the harmful discrimination that limit disabled representation in the workplace. Today, we're gonna focus on all of the wonderful things that hiring a disabled person will bring to your business.
By including disabled people in the workplace, you open the space to:
Diversity of ideas 💡
Disabled people often offer new, unique perspectives due to their lived experiences and ways of approaching problems. There is so much to learn from the disabled experience when it comes to problem solving and thinking outside the box.
More people in the workforce 💪
1 in 4 Americans are disabled. By being more inclusive to people with disabilities, you're increasing your options and growing your business, as well as the economy.
New experiences 🧠
We all know that interacting with and learning from new cultures is a very educational experience, and the same can be said for creating spaces where you can engage with and learn from disabled people.
We are fun, witty, intelligent, educated and resilient!
Innovation 📝
People with disabilities are naturally more resilient and ingenuitive because we constantly have to innovate in order to complete daily tasks. This means that people with disabilities are consistently creating and innovating. Imagine hiring someone for your business who has all of the necessary qualifications, has diverse perspectives and naturally brings innovation to your company? Sounds like a win to me.
And to all my fellow disabled people reading this article, remember that being your full self makes the world a more beautiful, diverse place. You have so much to contribute to the world and to the workforce.
Let's work together to get more representation in the workplace and make the world a more inclusive place.
Sending love,